This guide will help you Install PHP 7.3 on Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04 / Debian / CentOS 7 / Fedora. PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language which has been widely adopted for the creation of dynamic web pages. PHP is secure, fast, simple, efficient, flexible and a loosely typed scripting language. How to Install PHP 7.3 on CentOS 7 / Fedora PHP 7.3 release got many bug fixes which include memory segmentation/corruption faults, undefined symbols, and other bug fixes. You can get a detailed report from PHP releases news . Step 1: Add PHP 7.3 Remi repository PHP 7.3 is available for CentOS 7 and Fedora distributions from the Remi repository. Add it to your system by running sudo yum -y install sudo yum -y install epel-release yum-utils Step 2: Disable repo for PHP 5.4 By default, the enabled repository is for PHP 5.4. Disable this repo and enable on for PHP 7.3 sudo yum-config-manager --disable remi-php54 ...
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