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Free SSL : How to install Let’s Encrypt in Cpanel

This blog is free to install an SSL certificate using a shared web hosting to use installation tools. And this tutorial will use letsencrypt from GoDaddy shared hosting, also will work on any hosting provider.

Go to

Click on online tools.

Click on start, under “FREE SSL Certificate Wizard”.

On the right-hand side, you have a field called “Domains”, add your domains

to this. Include and (Don’t include HTTP:// or https://).

IMP Note : If you have a subdomain like, you need to do it separately. Therefore, perform all the steps for the subdomain. Include the "Domain field." You do not need to include

Accept the zerossl TOS & let’s encrypt SA by adding check marks.

Click the next button in the top right corner.

Zerossl will generate the CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Loading might take some time.

Once it’s done, click on the download button, to have a backup and click “Next” again.

It’s going to start generating Account Key (Again might take a few minutes).
Once done, download the Account Key and click on “Next” button.

The new page will appear. This is how Letsencrypt will know that you own the domain.

Download the txt files.

Head to your cPanel and click on “File manager” and go to your root folder.

IMP Note  If you are doing this for an addon domain, then just go to the root of that domain. So where ever your index.html or index.php for that domain is.

On root, create new folder .well-known and inside it create an acme-challenge folder.

So your path should look like:

Upload the all .txt files inside that you download for site the acme-challenge folder.

Go back to zerossl, and click on the link indicated in the screenshot.

Click on “next”.

Your Certificate is ready now.

Scroll down and download the CRT & Private key.

Go to Cpanel and find SSL or TLS and click on it.

Click on Manage SSL on your site and you should see three fields.

Select the domain you want to install the SSL certificate on.

For other fields, go back to zerossl and copy the CRT (1st key) and paste it into CRT field in Cpanel.

Please note that CRT includes both CRT & Certificate Authority Bundle.

Cut out the Certificate Authority Bundle from CRT and paste it in the 3rd field.

Go to zerossl and copy private key (2nd key).

In Cpanel paste the private key in the 2nd field (Private Key)

You should have three green check marks next to fields; this means everything matches.

At the bottom of the page click on “install certificate”.

Your SSL Certificate is now installed, and you should have https. Test that it works by adding https:// to in front of your domain for example

Redirect always from HTTP to HTTPS

The redirection to HTTPS is easily achieved by adding a bit of code into .htaccess (Hypertext Access) file.
We will tell our Apache-based web server change all URLs with http:// to https://.

This happens before any code of your site is run.
Always redirect from HTTP to https:

1. Go to Cpanel and click on the file manager.

2. On the root folder, create a new file called “.htaccess”. You might have this file already, in that case, edit that file.

3. Hot Tip!  If you can’t see .htaccess file it might be hidden. Here is how to unhide .htacess file.

4. In .htaccess file, add below code and hit save
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Test that this worked by typing it should change to
You are done!

Remember to update the SSL certificate every 90 days.

Thanks for being here. :)


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