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PhpMyAdmin with Apache on CentOS


PhpMyAdmin is an open source management tool for MySQL and MariaDB. Web application written mainly in PHP, has become one of the most popular MySQL management web tool. 

Features of phpMyAdmin

- Import and export database in a variety of formats
- Create, delete, rename databases and user accounts
- Manage databases privileges
- Execute SQL-queries
And many more  

Before Installation Requirements 

Sudo user access(Allow to run Linux commands).
Need LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on your CentOS server.

phpMyAdmin Install process.

1. Install EPEL repository.

sudo yum install epel-release

2. Install phpMyAdmin.

With this command they auto installed all phpMyAdmin dependency with latest version of phpMyAdmin.

sudo yum install phpmyadmin

Configuration of phpMyAdmin.

Open Apache configuration file for phpMyAdmin 

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf

And add below changes

# Apache 2.4
               Require ip IP_address
               Require ip
               Require ip ::1

# Apache 2.2
               Order Deny,Allow
               Deny from All
               Allow from IP_address
               Allow from
               Allow from ::1

Save and close (Note : IP_address is the your actual system IP address)

Restart the Apache web server

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Accessing your phpMyAdmin open web browser and run URL


Finally, You successfully installed phpMyAdmin with Apache on CentOS.

Thanks for being here. 


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