There might come a situation while using Linux when you want to know the amount of space consumed by a particular file system on your LINUX system or how much space is available on a particular file system. LINUX being command friendly provides a command line utility for this i.e df command that displays the amount of disk space available on the file system containing each file name argument. If no file name is passed as an argument with df command then it shows the space available on all currently mounted file systems . This is something you might wanna know cause df command is not able to show the space available on unmounted file systems and the reason for this is that for doing this on some systems requires very deep knowledge of file system structures. By default, df shows the disk space in 1 K blocks. df displays the values in the units of first available SIZE from –block-size (which is an option) and from the DF_BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCKSIZE AND BLOCK_SIZE environmen...
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